Patient's Rights


The Patient's has the right to :

  • Be informed about their rights and responsibilities
  • Be informed of the services provided in The hospital.
  • Received care in the safe environment.
  • Know the identities of the physicians and other practitioners responsible for his / her care.
  • Be treated with respect and dignity at all times and under circumtances.
  • Received care that is respectful of their values and beliefs (provided that they don't conflict with Islamic rules).
  • Respect and maintain their privacy during care and according to their needs.
  • have a significant other, chaperone or a staff member from the same gender present during physical examination, treatment or procedure.
  • Consent to surgery, high-risk treatments and procedures anesthesia, and use of blood and blood products, after receiving adequate information.
  • Maintain confidentialy of all information, communication and records related to the care.
  • Be protected from physical and verbal assault.
  • Appropriate assessment and management of pain.
  • participate in their care process including making decisions or asking questions about care, and seeking a second opinion without fear of compromising care.
  • Be educated about their conditions.
  • Refuse or discontinue treatment and be informed of the consequences of the decision and available care and treatment alternatives.
  • Respecful and compassionate care at the end of the life.
  • Be fully informed about clinical research which they agree to participate in, and the right to refuse or withdraw consent without affecting the care provided.
  • Be fully informed about clinical research which they agree to participate in, and the right to refuse or withdraw consent without affecting the care provided. voice a complaint about care or hospital services, and have the complaint investigated and resolved whenever possible.
  • be informed about donation and transplantation ‎of organs and other tissues, as per hospital policy.
  • Have their possessions protected once the hospital assumes responsibility for protecting possession or when the patient cannot assume responsibility.
  • Received a report on their medical condition according to hospital regulations.